The Project
Shree Jharkot Traditional Medical Center and School
- where a little is a lot

Since 2007 the Musisches Gymnasium has played a significant role in supporting a small free boarding school for children of families in particular need in Jharkot, a village in the Himalaya at 3550m above sea level.
The >> report from our art teachers Christina Klaffinger and Wolfgang Pichlmüller, who worked there for three months in the late autumn of 2008, makes both the extreme living conditions of the people and the lively atmosphere of the school palpable.



The end of the search for shelter
Enjoy the latest newsletter >>

Mustang House Phalyak: Stone by stone
Blog for the new mountain home >>

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world; our former colleague Dr. Karin Inmann, co-founder of the Austrian NGO Ecohimal, spent many years in this country as an aid worker. One of the projects in the development of which she was significantly involved was a small school on the land of the Buddhist cloister in Jharkot, connected with the ordination of a doctor of traditional Tibetan medicine.
When Ecohimal ended their financial support of the project in 2006, it looked like the end of the school and the free traditional medicinal care for the residents of the surrounding villages. Karin Inmann turned to the students of the Musisches Gymnasium for help.

Since then together with our partners we have managed to raise the funds for the continued existence of the school through various campaigns.
With the donations made we can pay for three round-the-clock members of teaching staff, who don't just teach, but also take on the roles of organisers, nurturers and parents. Food for the children – aside from what their parents can provide in terms of grain and vegetables from their fields – is also financed, as are healthcare costs, clothes, shoes, school items and toiletries. The modest wage for the cook and the Tibetan doctor has to be raised, there are electricity bills, wood and gas are needed for cooking ...
In order that we can continue giving these children a better start in life, we need your help!


Christina Klaffinger, Wolfgang Pichlmüller

Donation account

Schule macht Schule
Volksbank Salzburg

IBAN: AT09 4501 0000 0811 1486

International cooperation

The project's supporting team has grown since the end of 2011 – thank God, because the remit has grown too.

  • Schule macht Schule, supported by the German association Jharkotprojekt e.V., continues to provide for care for the children, the school and boarding school as well as furhter education or training for many of the children.
  • The Polish association Schools Faraway >> has taken a number of the children who have left the Jharkot school to pursue further education under their wing.
  • The German association Freundeskreis Nepalhilfe >> has permitted us to build our own winter school in the grounds of their Bhakunde Children's Village. Architect Christoph Brandstätter from Salzburg is responsible for the planning.

Verein Schule macht Schule

Since November 2012 Musisches Gymnasium's Nepal project has been run as a distinct society >>

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