Imprint & Contact
Schule macht Schule
Society and Website

Bon Bücher

Website design and content

Christina Klaffinger

English version
Administration: Sarah Marchant, UK >>

Copyright and usage rights
The text and photos on this website are copyright of the Verein Schule macht Schule.
They may be distributed free of charge for purposes of serving the society, as long as a clear reference is made to the original document (if possible, in the form of a hyperlink).

Wolfgang Pichlmüller, Christina Klaffinger

Donation account
Schule macht Schule
Volksbank Salzburg

IBAN: AT09 4501 0000 0811 1486


Schule macht Schule -
Musisches Gymnasium's Nepal Project

Plainwiesenweg 40
A-5101 Bergheim

ZVR: 06181744 | DVR: 0002810

Supervising society authority
Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg

Purpose of the society
Aims >>

Board of directors >>
Schule macht Schule - Nepalprojekt des Musischen Gymnasiums facebook Imprint & Contact
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