Report of Class 5
On the 29th of December 2012 at 6pm all the students of Shree Jharkot Medical Center and School, Mustang, staged a play in the winter school location Pokhara, Belgari.
Whose Idea it was and why we played
This nice and beautiful theatre play was the idea of our volunteer teacher from Austria, called Luka. She was also the director oft he play. The reason, why we made the theatre project was, that we wanted to improve our English, get experience to play on the stage and also to represent our school in the public and gain the interest of future supporters – especially for our new school building, so that many new people can come to study there, if they want to.
What had to be done, until the play could be staged
All the students were involved and had their own tasks to do for the theatre project.
We, class 4, 5, and 6 wrote the dialogues for the play in the english classes and the smaller children of class 2&3 were responsible fort he songs and dances and also painted pictures of Hell’s Gorge, cave and woods for the set together with class 6. We drew the portraits of Sonam and Dolma, the „star-actors“, for the poster. Class 0&1 were the Yetis (statists). The actors and actresses of class 4, 5, and 6 practised the dialogues for about two weeks.
In our play there was a narrator and lots of characters, Lambu and Khunga, the enemy Robbers, Dolma and Tashi, their children, the Yeti and Natso and many more were involved.
The day of the show
We decorated the stage in our free time on Saturday morning after breakfast. After that we put our costumes on and practised again and again with the light technician. Later we ate lunch and played football until 6 pm, when we started our play. When all my friends and staff were in front of me I felt shy and nervious because there were so many people watching and making videos. I was shivering, because I was afraid to make mistakes, when I said my lines. But when we started to play and someone lit our faces with the flashlight I was very happy too. Me and all my friends did good in the end.
How I feel about it
When I stood on the stage I realized, that I knew some new words. The play also taught me something about freindship, being brave and loyalty. I feel very proud and it was a very enjoyable experience to me.
I felt so grateful to play in this theatre and at last I want to thank all friends and staff and all the people, who have made the project possible!
A Great Experience - Report of Class 6
On december 29th we played a drama called „Dolma, the Robber’s Daughter“. We started at 6pm an finished at 7pm. The play was staged in Pokhara, Belgari, by Medical Center School’s students.
Who was involved?
It was the idea of Miss Luka. She also was the director.Class 4 to 6 wrote the dialogues and did the acting and class 1, 2, and 3 did the dances and sang the songs. Us two, Sonam and Ngawang, drew Hell’s Gorge and a dark cave for the set.
Why we staged the play
We did the theatre-project because we wanted to improve our English skills and also for representing our school in the public and to gain the interest of future supporters.
The event
The drama was played in the dark at night with flashlights. People, who live near our school also came to watch us play. Afterwards we changed our dresses and went to wash our faces.
A great experience
It was very intersting for us to be the narrator and Lhamo (the robber‘s daughter’s mother), although it was not easy to play them, because we have never done this before and we improved in speaking freely in english. We enjoyed practising the scenes.
We are glad that we did the drama-project.
We also want to do something similar with other volunteers, who will come to our school.
The Day of the Big Show - Report of Class 2&3
On Saturday, December 29th, 2012 we staged a play called „Dolma, the Robber’s Daughter“ in the winter school location Pokhara.
Many things had to be prepared
Miss Luka was our director. We, class 2&3 practised the songs and dances and painted the set. Tshering of class two was the light technician. Lhakpa and Nani (Dickey) of class 3 changed the set during the play.
Class 0&1 were statists.
Class 4, 5, and six were the actors. The senior students also wrote the diologues for the play. Ngawang of class six was the narrator.
The ressources supply was managed by Miss Dolkar.
The day oft he big show
First we decorated the stage and afterwards we had a rest for 5 or 10 minutes. When it got dark, we started to play and some neighbours came to watch. I was nervous and shy to go on the stage, but in the end everything went well. Therefor I was so so proud. After finishing the play, Miss Luka gave us chocolates and we had dinner.
Also we were very tired.
An exciting experience
That day was so much fun for me. I wish that I can do something like this again in the future with other volunteers. I liked it very much.